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ReferenceTitlePIE-1, HDAC and SUMO Regulate genome integrity and piRNA-dependent silencing at the transition from mitosis to meiosis.
JournalInternational Worm Meeting
AuthorKim, Heesun
Ding, Yuehe
Lu, Shan
Yan, Yonghong
Tan, Wendy
Dong, Mengqiu
Mello, Craig
AffiliationRNA Therapeutics Institute, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA
National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing, China
Brief_citationKim, Heesun et al. (2019) International Worm Meeting "PIE-1, HDAC and SUMO Regulate genome integrity and piRNA-dependent silencing at ...."
Refers_toGeneWBGene00001834Inferred_automaticallyAbstract read HDA-1
WBGene00002637Inferred_automaticallyAbstract read LET-418
WBGene00003218Inferred_automaticallyAbstract read MEP-1
WBGene00004027Inferred_automaticallyAbstract read PIE-1
WBGene00004888Inferred_automaticallyAbstract read smo-1
WBGene00006706Inferred_automaticallyAbstract read UBC-9
Abstract read ubc-9
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans