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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr2672

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TypeWesternPolyclonal rabbit antibodies against CLK-1 recombinant protein. Same antibodies created in pmid12893826.
PatternCLK-1 protein is clearly detectable in maternally rescued animals at all four larval stages. The amount of CLK-1, however, is considerably lower than in wild-type animals. Moreover, in the wild type, the amount of CLK-1 per animal increases during development, indicating that CLK-1 is actively synthesized. In contrast, the total amount of CLK-1 in maternally rescued animals appears constant, indicating that there is little degradation of CLK-1 during larval development, despite the very active larval growth.
RemarkAlthough no clk-1 mRNA can be detected in maternally rescued mutants, it remains possible that CLK-1 is produced in maternally rescued animals because of the presence of undetectable levels of a maternally derived transcript. However, none of the CLK-1 protein detected in maternally rescued clk-1 mutants could be produced from the zygotic genome, as the qm30 mutation is a partial deletion of the gene that would result in a truncated protein, and as no CLK-1 protein at all is detected in clk-1(qm30) mutants. In conclusion, the presence of maternally derived wild-type CLK-1 protein in clk-1 maternally rescued animals likely accounts for the maternal rescue.