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WormBase Tree Display for Interaction: WBInteraction000550593

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Interaction_summary"all solid granule modulators were depleted in a set of 21 transgenic strains that express gfp::his-11 reporter mRNAs regulated by different 3' UTRs (Fig. 7; Merritt et al., 2008)... RNAi of 22/66 solid modulators strongly increased GFP levels from one or more reporters (17) or weakly increased GFP from at least two reporters (5), revealing genes that repress expression (Figs. 7 B and S2). Depletion of 20 genes decreased GFP from various reporters indicating factors that activate or support expression (Fig. S2). Some repressive genes fell into both classes; RNAi de-repressed some reporters but reduced expression of others (Figs. 7 B and S2)."
RemarkFig. S2