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WormBase Tree Display for Interaction: WBInteraction000501547

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Interaction_summaryMarked difference was observed between wild-type embryos and PAR-2-depleted embryos in localization and dynamics of NMY-2::GFP and PAR-6::GFP between pseudocleavage and first cleavage. In wild-type embryos after pseudocleavage, NMY-2::GFP foci disappeared, and an anterior cap of fine NMY-2::GFP fibers formed in their place and persisted until metaphase. During this interval, anterior-directed flows of cortical myosin was observed terminating in a dense band at the posterior edge of the anterior NMY-2::GFP cap; analysis of fixed, stained embryos showed that this dense band of NMY-2 corresponded to a gap between anterior-localized PAR-3 and posterior-localized PAR-2. By contrast, in par-2 (RNAi) embryos, the disappearance of anterior NMY-2::GFP foci was followed by formation of a dense network of NMY-2::GFP fibers over most of the cortex. The appearance of posterior, ectopic NMY-2::GFP fibers was associated with a pronounced, posterior-directed cortical flow of NMY-2::GFP and a concurrent flow of PAR-6::GFP. This aberrant flow was sufficient to redistribute PAR-6::GFP to the posterior cortex by metaphase. These observations suggest that PAR-2 functions in wild-type embryos to inhibit NMY-2 from accumulating at the posterior cortex and thus prevents abnormal flows after pseudocleavage that would otherwise redistribute anterior PAR proteins to the posterior cortex.
Detection_methodReporter_gene[nmy-2::gfp] translational fusion.
Remarkpar-3 mutants with uniformly distributed PAR-2 showed low, uniform levels of cortical NMY-2::GFP after pseudocleavage, while par-3;par-2(RNAi) embryos lacking PAR-2 had high, uniform levels of cortical NMY-2::GFP. RNAi: par-2 RNAi.