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WBPicture0000014212DescriptionFigure 4 FOG-1 and FOG-3 proteins interact in vivo. (A) The Myc::FOG-1 and FOG-3::FLAG single-copy transgenes rescue the fog-1 fog-3 doublemutant phenotype in hermaphrodites. (B) FOG-1 and FOG-3 costain in the early L4 hermaphrodite germline. The germline was immunostained using anti-Myc antibodies to visualize Myc::FOG-1 (magenta), anti-FLAG antibodiesto visualize FOG-3::FLAG (yellow), and DAPI to visualize the DNA (blue). Both FOG-1 and FOG-3 form puncta around the germ cell nucleus. The merged image shows colocalization of the FOG-1 and FOG-3 puncta (white) around the nucleus. (C) Western blots of FOG-1 and FOG-3 reciprocal coimmunoprecipitations from rescued fog-1 fog-3 mutant hermaphrodites carrying Myc::FOG-1 and FOG-3::FLAG transgenes (JK5200). Control coimmunoprecipitations were done in parallel from hermaphroditescarrying GFP::FLAG and mCherry::Myc transgenes (JK5028). (Left) Anti-FLAG agarose beads used to immunoprecipitate FLAG-tagged protein from lysates of early L4 transgenic animals and blotted to detect both FOG-1 and FOG-3 (asterisks). (Right) Anti-Myc agarose beads used to immunoprecipitate FOG-1 and blotted to detect both FOG-1 and FOG-3 (asterisks).
AcknowledgmentTemplateWormBase thanks the journal <Journal_URL> for permission to reproduce figures from this article. Please note that this material may be protected by copyright. Reprinted from <Journal_URL>, <Article_URL>. Copyright (<Publication_year>) with permission from <Publisher_URL>