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WormBase Tree Display for Interaction: WBInteraction000537293

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Interaction_summary"When the strain TP14:dpy-5(e61) I;kaIs12(col-19::gfp), resulting from crossing TP12:kaIs(col-19::gfp) with the dpy-5(e61) mutant, was examined under epifluorescence, the ala, apparent by means of Nomarski imaging (Fig. 3E), were shown to express COL-19::GFP in a variable manner (Fig. 3B, arrowed). In addition, two distinct regions became apparent: a region overlying the dorsal/ventral hypodermal cells, which showed annuli fluorescing as distinct bands as observed in wildtype TP12:kaIs(col-19::gfp) worms (Fig. 3B-D, denoted an), and a second, extended region of disruption overlying the seam cell cords (Fig. 3B-D, double-headed arrows)... The region of dominant COL-19::GFP mutant expression and disruption overlying the lateral seam cell hypodermis has a complex fibrous and broken appearance (Fig. 3B-D, double-headed arrows)... These data show that mutation of the DPY-5 collagen in these nematodes is sufficient to alter the expression patterns of the COL-19::GFP collagen."
RemarkFigure 3