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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr4649

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RemarkNot expressed in Z2 and Z3.
Subcellular_localizationIndirect immunofluorescence analysis of wild-type animals revealed the expression pattern and the subcellular localization of HIS-24. In most, if not all, somatic cells, HIS-24 is expressed and exclusively associated with chromatin. It is, however, absent from the primordial germ cells Z2 and Z3, which are born in the embryo and rest during the first larval stage (L1). Germ line HIS-24 expression starts in the late L3 stage concomitant with gonad development and continues during adulthood. The protein, however, does not translocate into the germ nuclei but is associated with specific cytoplasmic granular structures surrounding the nuclei. Costaining with P-granule-specific antibodies revealed that the structures containing the cytoplasmic HIS-24 protein are not the P-granules. Cytoplasmic HIS-24 is characteristic for most developmental stages of the germ line, it is found in the mitotic region of the gonad, in the transition zone, in the meiotic region, and during all stages of oogenesis. SYTO-RNA-select staining of hermaphrodite gonads identified the well-known RNA component of the P granules but showed no staining of the HIS-24-containing granular structures. Only during the late pachytene stage is a small fraction of HIS-24 associated with chromatin. In the male gonad the germ line expression level of HIS-24 is considerably lower than that in hermaphrodites, but the protein is accordingly localized in the cytoplasm.
RemarkThe HIS-24 staining results were reproduced with an anti-GFP antibody and an integrated his-24::gfp transgenic animal line.