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WormBase Tree Display for Strain: WBStrain00054542

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Name Class

Genotypecec-8(fj63) III; cec-4(ok3124) cec-5(fj58) IV.
Contains (2)
Properties (3)
Location (2)
RemarkMaintain at 20C or lower. cec-8; cec-4 cec-5 triple mutants exhibit partial sterility and no significant defects in chromosome segregation. The chromodomain proteins CEC-5, CEC-4, and CEC-8 are phylogenetically similar to each other. The deletions can be detected by PCR with the following primers: cec-8(fj63): GCTGTATAATACTCACTATGTC and TCCAGCTCTGTAACCTTGAA; cec-4(ok3124): CAATTAAAATGCCAGTGCGA and TTTAGGATGCATTATGGGGC; cec-5(fj58): GCAAAGAAATCATCCGGTAGTG and CTTTGTAGCAACAGGCTCCTC. Reference: Tabara H, et al. (2023) A small RNA system ensures accurate homologous pairing and unpaired silencing of meiotic chromosomes. EMBO J, e105002.Inferred_automaticallyFrom CGC strain data
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans