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WormBase Tree Display for Strain: WBStrain00029073

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Name Class

Genotyperep-1(ok3296)/sC1(s2023) [dpy-1(s2170)] III.
Contains (3)
Properties (2)
Remarkrep-1(ok3296) homozygotes arrest as uncoordinated non-pumping starved L2/L3 animals. sC1(s2023) dpy-1 homozygotes are viable dpy animals. Heterozygotes are wild-type. Pick wild-type and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain. ok3296 deletes 556 bp including the first 54 bp of exon 6 and has the sequence junction AGCTGAAACCGGTGCTACAG/CCATTCCTCTTCCCACTCTA. This strain replaces RB2411, which was an unbalanced heterozygous strain; also see NM4431. Reference: Dour S and Nonet ML. In preparation.Inferred_automaticallyFrom CGC strain data
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans