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WormBase Tree Display for RNAi: WBRNAi00117228

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Name Class

ExperimentGenotypepals-25(jy111) III; jyIs8[pals-5p::gfp, myo-2p::mCherry] X
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans
PhenotypeWBPhenotype:0001278Remarkpals-25 RNAi suppresses icb98-induced expression of chil-27p::GFP reporter vs L4440 control RNAi (Figure 1D)
pals-25 RNAi suppresses jy111-induced expression of the pals-5p::GFP reporter vs L4440 control RNAi (Figure 1G-H)
Remark(Figure 1D) pals-25 (WBGene00020540) Troemel Lab RNAi clone (reported in PMID:30640956/WBPaper00056034: "The pals-25 RNAi clone was made with PCR and includes 1079 base pairs spanning the second, third, and fourth exons of pals-25. This sequence was amplified from N2 genomic DNA, cloned into the L4440RNAi vector, and then transformed into HT115 bacteria for feeding RNAi experiments.") 713nt of sequence including exons 2, 3, and 4 (and intervening introns) included for this annotation.
(Figure 1G-H) pals-25 (WBGene00020540) Troemel Lab RNAi clone (reported in PMID:30640956/WBPaper00056034: "The pals-25 RNAi clone was made with PCR and includes 1079 base pairs spanning the second, third, and fourth exons of pals-25. This sequence was amplified from N2 genomic DNA, cloned into the L4440RNAi vector, and then transformed into HT115 bacteria for feeding RNAi experiments.") 713nt of sequence including exons 2, 3, and 4 (and intervening introns) included for this annotation.