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WormBase Tree Display for RNAi: WBRNAi00109087

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Name Class

Inhibits (3)
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans
Phenotype_not_observedWBPhenotype:0000402Remark"ATFS-1, the transcription factor controlling hsp-6 activation [25] and PIFK-1 (this study) have not been detected as activators of cSADDs [3]. We therefore first tested whether RNAi with these genes triggers the aversion phenotype, that served as a readout for cSADDs [3]. RNAi of neither of both genes induced food aversion, whereas RNAi of elt-2, used as a control as described [3], did (Table 2)."
Remark(Table 2) atfs-1 RNAi