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WormBase Tree Display for RNAi: WBRNAi00101802

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Date04 May 2009 00:00:00
Genotyperrf-3(pk1426) II; ayIs6(hlh-8::gfp) X
TreatmentTo observe the effects of RNAi during postembryonic development, RNAi was performed by ingestion with a synchronous population of L1 larvae. L1 animals synchronized by standard methods were plated in triplicate on HT115(DE3) bacteria expressing dsRNA for genes of interest. Bacteria for ingestion were prepared using 4 mM IPTG to induce dsRNA production. RNAi-P was performed at 25 degrees Celsius and animals were scored for M lineage phenotypes or used for immunostaining 24-48 h after plating.
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans
PhenotypeWBPhenotype:0000095RemarkPostembryonic pop-1(RNAi) resulted in animals with both fewer sex myoblasts (SMs) derived from the M-lineage (in 41.4% of animals) as well extra sex myoblasts (SMs) derived from the M-lineage (in 9.1% of animals), as determined by hlh-8::GFP. Authors report that the loss of SMs was due to a fate transformation of M.v(l/r)pa to the fate of its posterior sister M.d(l/r)pp (normally fated to become body wall muscles (BWMs)).
WBPhenotype:0000414RemarkPostembryonic pop-1(RNAi) resulted in animals with both fewer sex myoblasts (SMs) derived from the M-lineage (in 41.4% of animals) as well extra sex myoblasts (SMs) derived from the M-lineage (in 9.1% of animals), as determined by hlh-8::GFP. Authors report that the loss of SMs was due to a fate transformation of M.v(l/r)pa to the fate of its posterior sister M.d(l/r)pp (normally fated to become body wall muscles (BWMs)).
WBPhenotype:0000961RemarkPostembryonic pop-1(RNAi) resulted in animals with both fewer sex myoblasts (SMs) derived from the M-lineage (in 41.4% of animals) as well extra sex myoblasts (SMs) derived from the M-lineage (in 9.1% of animals), as determined by hlh-8::GFP. Authors report that the loss of SMs was due to a fate transformation of M.v(l/r)pa to the fate of its posterior sister M.d(l/r)pp (normally fated to become body wall muscles (BWMs)).
WBPhenotype:0002191RemarkPostembryonic pop-1(RNAi) resulted in animals with both fewer sex myoblasts (SMs) derived from the M-lineage (in 41.4% of animals) as well extra sex myoblasts (SMs) derived from the M-lineage (in 9.1% of animals), as determined by hlh-8::GFP. Authors report that the loss of SMs was due to a fate transformation of M.v(l/r)pa to the fate of its posterior sister M.d(l/r)pp (normally fated to become body wall muscles (BWMs)).
WBPhenotype:0002192RemarkPostembryonic pop-1(RNAi) resulted in animals with both fewer sex myoblasts (SMs) derived from the M-lineage (in 41.4% of animals) as well extra sex myoblasts (SMs) derived from the M-lineage (in 9.1% of animals), as determined by hlh-8::GFP. Authors report that the loss of SMs was due to a fate transformation of M.v(l/r)pa to the fate of its posterior sister M.d(l/r)pp (normally fated to become body wall muscles (BWMs)).
Remark(Figure S4, Table 2) pop-1 RNAi-P (postembryonic RNAi). Exact sequence used for RNAi not stated by authors, Ahringer laboratory clone used for curation.