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WormBase Tree Display for RNAi: WBRNAi00097409

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Date06 Mar 2008 00:00:00
TreatmentSynchronized worms were incubated at 20 degrees Celsius until L3/L4 stages just prior to formation of a pronounced gonad. Five to six P0 hermaphrodites were transferred to seeded RNAi plates containing bacteria expressing appropriate target dsRNA. Adults were allowed to feed and lay offspring (F1s) for 24-36 hours at 25 degrees Celsius before being transferred to subsequent plates.
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans
PhenotypeWBPhenotype:0000050Remarkifg-1 RNAi using construct C2 resulted in no embryos nor any evidence of unfertilized oocytes in the uterus. C2 (RNAi) resulted in two populations of worms. In one population, body size and gonad development was consistent with the larval L2 stage. The other population contained an extended U-shaped gonad consistent with an adult germline despite the small L3-like body size. All ifg-1(RNAi) worms displayed marked deterioration in the proximal gonad.
WBPhenotype:0000154Remarkifg-1 RNAi using construct C2 resulted in no embryos nor any evidence of unfertilized oocytes in the uterus. C2 (RNAi) resulted in two populations of worms. In one population, body size and gonad development was consistent with the larval L2 stage. The other population contained an extended U-shaped gonad consistent with an adult germline despite the small L3-like body size. All ifg-1(RNAi) worms displayed marked deterioration in the proximal gonad.
WBPhenotype:0000229Remarkifg-1 RNAi using construct C2 resulted in no embryos nor any evidence of unfertilized oocytes in the uterus. C2 (RNAi) resulted in two populations of worms. In one population, body size and gonad development was consistent with the larval L2 stage. The other population contained an extended U-shaped gonad consistent with an adult germline despite the small L3-like body size. All ifg-1(RNAi) worms displayed marked deterioration in the proximal gonad.
WBPhenotype:0000691Remarkifg-1 RNAi using construct C2 resulted in no embryos nor any evidence of unfertilized oocytes in the uterus. C2 (RNAi) resulted in two populations of worms. In one population, body size and gonad development was consistent with the larval L2 stage. The other population contained an extended U-shaped gonad consistent with an adult germline despite the small L3-like body size. All ifg-1(RNAi) worms displayed marked deterioration in the proximal gonad.
WBPhenotype:0001958Remarkifg-1 RNAi using construct C2 resulted in no embryos nor any evidence of unfertilized oocytes in the uterus. C2 (RNAi) resulted in two populations of worms. In one population, body size and gonad development was consistent with the larval L2 stage. The other population contained an extended U-shaped gonad consistent with an adult germline despite the small L3-like body size. All ifg-1(RNAi) worms displayed marked deterioration in the proximal gonad.
Remark(Figure 4b, 4c) ifg-1 RNAi (construct C2)