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WormBase Tree Display for RNAi: WBRNAi00094315

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Date18 Oct 2011 00:00:00
GenotypebpIs70 [gfp::bro-1(PTC)]
TreatmentFive to seven L4 animals carrying a gfp::bro-1(PTC) transgene were plated onto RNAi feeding plates and were grown at 21 degrees Celsius for 3 days. The F1 L3 or L4 larvae were examined for reporter expression. Expression of gfp::bro-1(PTC) was not detected in late larvae fed on control RNAi clone (n > 100). The ratio of animals expressing gfp::bro-1(PTC) was derived from three separate experiments (at least 30 animals were examined for each RNAi clone). The RNAi clones that caused more than 25% of animals expressing gfp were selected for further analysis.
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans
PhenotypeWBPhenotype:0000508RemarkRNAi resulted in increased larval expression of a gfp::bro-1(PTC) transgene carrying a premature termination codon, indicative of defective mRNA surveillance machinery
WBPhenotype:0001236RemarkRNAi resulted in increased larval expression of a gfp::bro-1(PTC) transgene carrying a premature termination codon, indicative of defective mRNA surveillance machinery
WBPhenotype:0001538RemarkRNAi resulted in increased larval expression of a gfp::bro-1(PTC) transgene carrying a premature termination codon, indicative of defective mRNA surveillance machinery
Remark(Table S1) H06H21.3 RNAi