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WBPicture0000011555DescriptionFigure 2. GLP-1 Is Localized to Descendants of the Anterior Blastomere AB in Early Embryos.Left column (A-F): embryos were stained for GLP-1 using an FITC-labeled secondary antibody: (A) 1-cell zygote has no GLP-1. (B) 2-cell embryo with faint cytoplasmic fluourescence detectable in AB and associated with the membrane separating AB and P1; not all 2-cell embryos contain GLP-1 (see text). (C) 4-cell embryo: GLP-1 is present in both cytoplasm and membranes of ABa and ABp, but not in EMS or P2. (D) 8-cell embryo; GLP-1 is associated with membranes and cytoplasms of AB descendants but not P1 descendants. (E) 28-cell embryo; cytoplasmic GLP-1 disappears and membrane-associated GLP-1 is faint. (F) A 4cell embryo stained with a GLP-1 antibody directed against EGFL repeats 7-10 that had been preincubated with the EGF-(7-10) fusion protein (see Experimental Procedures). Middle column (G-K): the same embryos as shown in left column stained for actin, DNA, and P granules using rhodamine-labeled secondary antibody. Actin outlines the surface of all blastomeres; DNA marks the nucleus; P granules identify the posterior blastomeres P1, P2, P3, and P4. Right column: diagrams of embryos in which the AB descendants are cross-hatched. Cells are labeled as in Figure 1. All embryos are oriented with anterior at the left. Each micrograph is approximately 60 um wide.
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AcknowledgmentTemplateReprinted from <Journal_URL>, <Article_URL>, Copyright <Publication_year>, with permission from <Publisher_URL>.