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WormBase Tree Display for Picture: WBPicture0000011143

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WBPicture0000011143DescriptionC, Confocal images of unc-31(e928) oxEx608[UNC-31:GFP]. UNC-31:GFP protein localizes to the synaptic-rich region of the nerve ring as well as the dorsal and ventral nerve cords. GFP expression inside the dashed circle around the posterior bulb of the pharynx can be disregarded because it arises from the coinjection marker (Pmyo-2:HIS::GFP). Additional diffuse expression of the coinjection marker can also be seen in the isthmus of the pharynx. D, Subcellular localization of UNC-31:GFP in the SAB neurons of the head. Punctate expression as well as colocalization with the synaptic vesicle marker synaptobrevin (a-SNB-1) indicate that UNC-31 is localized to synaptic terminals, reported previously by Charlie et al. (2006).
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