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WBPicture0000008244DescriptionFigure 4. Coordinate expression of dcs-1 and fre-1 and orthologs in multiple tissues and conditions. A, transgenic strains expressing a dcs-1::fre-1::GFP reporter construct showed GFP fluorescence in neurons in the ventral cord, the nerve ring, and the pharynx. B, fluorescent image of a transgenic adult hermaphrodite after heat treatment at 33 C for 2 h. GFP fluorescence was increased about 3-fold in the neurons and the pharynx, as indicated by arrowheads. C, RT-PCR of developmental stage-specific RNA amplified with fre-1 and dcs-1-specific primers. ahh was used as an internal control (see Experimental Procedures). E, embryo; A, adult; M22, mixed stage grown at 22 C; M33, mixed stage heat-treated at 33 C for 2 h; D, dauer; L, DNA ladder; (+), positive control containing fre-1 and dcs-1 cDNAs; (-), no template. Note that fre-1 is detected in all stages except the embryo and dcs-1 was detected at all stages, although egg and larval stages L1 and L2 had a very low expression. When mixed stages were compared before and after heat treatment, both genes showed a higher expression following the heat treatment. D, tissue expression patterns of Nr1 and Dcs in human tissues. MTC panel cDNAs were used in PCR reactions with the gene-specific primers, and both transcripts were expressed in liver, brain, kidney, and testis.
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