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WormBase Tree Display for Picture: WBPicture0000007428

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WBPicture0000007428Descriptionacr-2 is expressed and functions in the cholinergic ventral cord motor neurons. (A) Expression pattern from a 3.5-kb acr-2 promoter-driven Pacr-2-GFP transgene (juIs14) in an L1 (upper image) and an L4 larva. Middle image is a side view, and the bottom image is a ventral view of an L4 larva. The number and positions of the cells and the sides of the commissures indicate that they are embryonically born DA and DB and postembryonically born VA and VB neurons. Expression is also seen in DVC in the tail (arrow, middle panel). Scale bars indicate 10 um. (B). The top image shows nonoverlapping expression of Pacr-2-GFP (juIs14) (green) and Pttr-39-mcherry (juIs223) (red) marking the DD and VD GABAergic neurons. The bottom images show nonoverlapping expression of the 1.8-kb promoter-driven Pacr-2-mcherry transgene (juEx2045) (red) and those of Pglr-1-GFP (nuIs1) (green) or Pnmr-1-GFP (akIs3) (green), which label the command interneurons in the head (left panels) and tail (right panels) ganglia. Transcriptional activity of the acr-2 1.8-kb promoter is not seen in any head neurons. Scale bars indicate 10 um.
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