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WormBase Tree Display for Paper: WBPaper00057691

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ReferenceTitleOyster mushrooms paralyze the nematode prey by triggering rapid cell necrosis via the sensory cilia.
JournalInternational Worm Meeting
AuthorLee, C.
Chang, H.
Yang, C.
Hsueh, Y.
AffiliationAcademia Sinica, Institute of Molecular Biology, Taipei, TW
Molecular & Cell Biology Program, Taiwan International Graduate Program, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Biochemical Science and Technology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Brief_citationLee, C. et al. (2019) International Worm Meeting "Oyster mushrooms paralyze the nematode prey by triggering rapid cell necrosis ...."
Refers_toGeneWBGene00006801Inferred_automaticallyAbstract read unc-68
Species (3)