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WormBase Tree Display for Interaction: WBInteraction000542948

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Interactor (2)
Interaction_summary"qPCR analysis showed that fifteen of the eighteen genes analyzed showed decreased expression in the bar-1(ga80) background, and 11 of 18 BAR-1 responsive genes showed increased expression in a pry-1(mu38) background (Table 1). Four genes (E03H4.4, srw-93, fbxa-116, dod-23) did not display the behavior predicted for a Wnt target gene in these backgrounds."
RemarkTable 1; "To conditionally activate Wnt signaling, we used hs::DNTbar-1, a transgene that uses the heat shock promoter to express a BAR-1 protein with an amino-terminal deletion (DNTBAR-1) predicted to stabilize the protein in the absence of Wnt signaling (Figure 1A) (Gleason et al. 2002)."