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WormBase Tree Display for Interaction: WBInteraction000502089

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Interaction_summaryIn wild-type nematodes, GLR-1 was detected at synaptic junctions labeled with localized with SNB-1::GFP. In nematodes homozygous for a lin-10 molecular null mutation, GLR-1::RFP failed to be localized at synaptic clusters and accumulated in large structures throughout the dendrite. Presynaptic clusters of SNB-1::GFP were present in lin-10 mutant dendrites, demonstrating that lin-10 is not required for synapse formation or neuronal protein trafficking per se.
Detection_methodReporter_gene[glr-1::rfp], translational fusion.
Regulation_resultPositive_regulateSubcellular_localizationsynaptic clusters at synaptic junctions