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WormBase Tree Display for Gene: WBGene00228755

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Name Class

Identity (5)
RNASeq_FPKM (11)
Ortholog (65)
ParalogWBGene00223188Brugia malayiFrom_analysisWormBase-Compara
WBGene00224046Brugia malayiFrom_analysisWormBase-Compara
WBGene00224249Brugia malayiFrom_analysisWormBase-Compara
WBGene00225164Brugia malayiFrom_analysisWormBase-Compara
WBGene00226169Brugia malayiFrom_analysisWormBase-Compara
WBGene00226424Brugia malayiFrom_analysisWormBase-Compara
Structured_descriptionAutomated_descriptionIs affected by 20-hydroxyecdysone based on proteomic studies. Is predicted to encode a protein with the following domains: Immunoglobulin-like domain superfamily; Immunoglobulin-like domain; Immunoglobulin-like fold; Laminin IV; Laminin-type EGF domain; Immunoglobulin; Immunoglobulin subtype 2; Concanavalin A-like lectin/glucanase domain superfamily; Low-density lipoprotein receptor domain class A; Immunoglobulin domain; EGF-like domain; Laminin EGF domain; Laminin G domain; Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor class A repeat; Immunoglobulin subtype; Laminin B (Domain IV); and LDL receptor-like superfamily. Is an ortholog of C. elegans unc-52. In C. elegans, unc-52 is involved in several processes, including hemidesmosome assembly; muscle cell cellular homeostasis; and muscle structure development.Paper_evidenceWBPaper00065943
Inferred_automaticallyThis description was generated automatically by a script based on data from the WS291 version of WormBase
Date_last_updated29 Nov 2023 00:00:00
Molecular_info (3)
Experimental_infoExpression_cluster (17)
Reference (2)
Remark[180319 gw3] The CGC name Bma-unc-52 was deleted as there was no evidence to support it.Curator_confirmedWBPerson4025
[210528 pad] The CGC name Bma-unc-52 was deleted as there was no evidence to support it.Curator_confirmedWBPerson1983