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WormBase Tree Display for Gene: WBGene00003999

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Name Class

Identity (6)
Allele (76)
RNASeq_FPKM (74)
GO_annotation (26)
Ortholog (45)
Paralog (23)
Structured_descriptionConcise_descriptionpgp-5 encodes a transmembrane protein that is a member of the P-glycoprotein subclass of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter superfamily; by homology, PGP-5 is predicted to function as an ATP-dependent efflux pump that protects C. elegans by exporting exogenous toxins; pgp-5 activity is required for defense response to both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria as well as for the response to heavy metal ions, including cadmium, copper, and zinc; pgp-5 is expressed in the intestine as well as in the terminal bulb of the pharynx; basal pgp-5 intestinal expression is regulated by TIR-1, while increased expression in response to stressors is under the contol of the p38 MAPK pathway.Paper_evidenceWBPaper00004651
Date_last_updated14 Apr 2014 00:00:00
Automated_descriptionPredicted to enable ATPase-coupled transmembrane transporter activity and efflux transmembrane transporter activity. Involved in several processes, including defense response to bacterium; response to nematicide; and stress response to metal ion. Predicted to be located in plasma membrane. Expressed in intestine. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in several diseases, including autoimmune disease (multiple); carcinoma (multiple); and hematologic cancer (multiple). Is an ortholog of human ABCB1 (ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 1) and ABCB4 (ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 4).Paper_evidenceWBPaper00065943
Inferred_automaticallyThis description was generated automatically by a script based on data from the WS291 version of WormBase
Date_last_updated29 Nov 2023 00:00:00
Disease_infoPotential_model (39)
Molecular_info (5)
Experimental_info (8)
PositivePositive_cloneC05A9Inferred_automaticallyFrom CDS info
From sequence, transcript, pseudogene data
Reference (19)
RemarkSequence connection from [Sheps JA, Baillie DL] [040902 ck1]
Map position created from combination of previous interpolated map position (based on known location of sequence) and allele information. Therefore this is not a genetic map position based on recombination frequencies or genetic experiments. This was done on advice of the CGC.CGC_data_submission