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WormBase Tree Display for Feature_data: C17D12:Polysome

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Name Class

FeaturePolysome36711Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
256025953Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
343734621Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
381238211Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
14477145121Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
18424184591Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
18635186353Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
18636186704Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
18671186711Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
190391907421Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
20900209351Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
30199302348Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
31657316652Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
31666316924Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
31693317012Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
33271333061Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
33535335702Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)
34852348871Transcribed region with polysomes attached (WBPaper00037948)