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WormBase Tree Display for Expression_cluster: WBPaper00040560:hpl-2_L3_downregulated

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Name Class

WBPaper00040560:hpl-2_L3_downregulatedDescriptionTranscripts down regulated in hpl-2(tm1489) L3 larva comparing to N2 in tiling array analysis.
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans
AlgorithmOligos from the tiling array were mapped to chromosome coordinates of the exons from Wormbase WS180. Any oligo that mapped to a gene on both the Watson and Crick strands was excluded. The remaining oligos were then grouped together (perfect match and mismatch) into probe sets and written out into an Affymetrix CDF file. The CDF file was converted into an R-package and loaded into R. The expression values were calculated using the justRMA function from Bioconductor. This used a Benjamini and Hochberg false discovery rate correction.
Gene (611)