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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr8163

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Subcellular_localizationPQE-1B:GFP and PQE-1C:GFP were predominantly detected in the ASH nucleus. PQE-1B:GFP was diffusely distributed in the nucleus with one (or a few clustered) more intense spot/s visible near the perimeter of each nucleus. PQE-1C:GFP was also localized to the nucleus, but patterns of expression ranged from a few spots within the nucleus (predominantly) to diffuse staining throughout the nucleus (less frequently) for all transgenic lines. No GFP expression was detectable in the ASH neurons of transgenic animals expressing PQE-1A:GFP (despite the ability of this fusion protein to rescue the pqe-1 mutant phenotype).
RemarkAuthors confirmed the subcellular localization PQE-1B and PQE-1C using antisera that recognized either the PQE-1 N or C terminus. Authors were unable to detect PQE-1A expressed from either the osm-10 or pqe-1 promoter by using immunohistochemistry. No endogenous PQE-1 protein was detected in normal animals or in those expressing Htn-Q150. Additionally, the expression of GFP using the pqe-1 promoter did not yield detectable GFP protein. Together, these data suggest that the pqe-1 gene is transcribed at low levels and that cellular PQE-1A protein levels may be tightly controlled. Data from microarray analysis suggest that pqe-1 mRNAs are expressed at low or undetectable levels. Thus, PQE-1A, PQE-1B, and PQE-1C are likely low-abundance nuclear proteins.
Picture: Figure 2.