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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr8131

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Subcellular_localizationRPN-2 distributes throughout the cytoplasm in both blastomeres of interphase two-cell stage embryos. This staining is somewhat granular and appears in a meshed pattern. An asymmetric cytoplasmic localisation or unequal inheritance between the two blastomeres was observed, but there was no evidence of this. RPN-2 was also detected on the nuclear membrane and cell cortex. The cortical staining was very weak, but this was most obvious at the cell-cell contact region where the two plasma membranes are attached. RPN-2 localises to the nucleus (but excluded from the chromosomes) during mitosis, but during interphase the signal for RPN-2 is very low. The nuclear accumulation of RPN-2 begins at prophase and increases in strength so that the nuclear signal is clearly stronger than the cytoplasmic signal at prometaphase. By metaphase, there is a strong accumulation on/around the mitotic spindle, but RPN-2 staining is excluded from both the chromosomes and centrosomes. The spindle remains positive for RPN-2 until early anaphase and gradually disappeared in the later stages of cell division. After cytokinesis, RPN-2 is once again detected in the cytoplasm and on the plasma and nuclear membranes, but very weak within the interphase nuclei at this four-cell stage. During nuclear-centrosome rotation stage, RPN-2 is present in the cytoplasm in a granular pattern, but there was no specific accumulation of RPN-2 on these aster microtubules. Similar RPN-2 localisation patterns were detected in one-cell stage embryos.
RemarkPicture: Figure 7.
Antibody_info (3)