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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr578

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Name Class

Expression_data (3)
Subcellular_localizationPAR-1 is membrane-associated. In dividing cells, it is restricted to the posterior until P4 divides, at which time it is located throughout the periphery. PAR-1 co-localizes with P granules.
TypeAntibodyanti-par-1 polyclonal antibodies
PatternAntibody staining is first detected at the bend of the reflexed hermaphrodite gonad. PAR-1 is seen in newly formed, but not mature oocytes nor newly fertilized zygotes. PAR-1 reappears in the late zygote, when both pronuclei are decondensed and the female pronucleus is just starting to migrate toward the posterior. In P0 through P3, it is localized in the posterior periphery so that it is distributed to the germ line blastomeres. When P4 divides, PAR-1 is distributed evenly and distributed to both Z2 and Z3. After P4 divides, PAR-1 gradually fades until it disappears at morphogenesis.
Remarkearly embryo(author) = blastula + gastrulating embryo(curator).