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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr2622

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Expr2622Expression_of (2)
Subcellular_localizationAlthough the staining is diffuse within most basement membranes, at the muscle/epidermis membrane a distinct pattern is observed. On the muscle surface, a grid-like network that comprises regularly spaced bands running circumferentially and longitudinally is observed. The longitudinal bands correspond to the thin-filament-containing (I-band) region of the muscle myofilament lattice. epi-1 is also strongly detected at muscle-muscle cell boundaries.
TypeAntibodyRabbit and chicken polyclonal antibody. To generate antisera against epi-1, plasmid constructs were made by subcloning cDNA fragments encoding the G2 domain. The fusion protein produced contain 6HIS-tags and were purified according to the instructions of Qiagen and were used to immunize rabbits. Antisera against each fusion protein were also raised in Chicken.
PatternThe antisera indicate that early expression occurs during gastrulation.
epi-1 accumulates between the primary tissue layers near the completion of gastrulation (~250 minutes). epi-1 antiserum stains all the major basement membranes during the remainder of embryogenesis and throughout larval development and in the adult. Although epi-1 staining is weak in the basement membranes surrounding pharynx, intestine, body wall muscle and epidermis, the staining is strong in the basement membranes surrounding gonad, distal tip cell, vulval muscle, intestinal muscle, anal depressor muscle and coelomocytes. These basement membranes are notable in that they are thick and appear to have mainly the alphaB-containing laminin isoform.
RemarkColocalization Assay: In order to compare directly the distribution of lam-3 and epi-1, both subunits were co-stained using species-specific secondary antibody conjugates. As the germ layers develop, both subunits are deposited between the layers. However, the staining for laminin A is most intense around the pharyngeal and intestinal precursor cells, whereas staining for laminin B is most intense around the myoblast cells and along epidermal cells. By the onset of elongation, distinct layers of laminin A and laminin B staining can be distinguished, particularly anteriorly between the developing pharynx and the body wall. This indicates that the segregation of the laminin isoforms begins early, before or as organogenesis proceeds. In mnDf90, the two subunits remain differentially localized after elongation. lam-3 is localized to the pharyngeal basement membrane, whereas epi-1 is associated mainly with the body wall basement membranes and only weakly with the pharyngeal basement membrane. These results indicate that each laminin alpha subunit is segregated in the embryo to different adjacent basement membranes and that each membrane retains its unique subunit composition.
Antibody_info (2)