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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr2608

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Name Class

Expression_dataLife_stage (8)
Anatomy_term (11)
PatternA 10 kb genomic promoter sequence is also expressed in vulval cells, which may not reflect the natural expression pattern of the ceh-2 gene, as that promoter extends into the next gene upstream.
Reporter gene expression under the control of the ceh-2 promoter is detected shortly after formation of the pharynx primordium, and is strongest in elongated embryos and early larvae. 1.6 kb sequence upstream from the start codon drives expression only in the neurons (pTRB201); a fourth exon gfp fusion that includes 4.5 kb of upstream sequence and the large intron within the homeodomain is expressed also in e2 and m2 cells (pTRB202).
RemarkReporter gene fusion type not specified.