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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr2567

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Expr2567Expression_of (2)
Subcellular_localizationAt the light microscope level, it is not possible to determine whether NID-1 or CLE-1 is present within or excluded from synaptic clefts. However, these molecules are present at higher concentrations along the lateral region of the nerve cord, where synaptic junctions are abundant, relative to the medial region, which has many fewer synapses. The CLE-1 and NID-1 proteins appear to be present on different faces of the nerve cords relative to synaptic domains. NID-1 is present lateral to the region where synapses form, between the nerve cord and the muscle. CLE-1 is concentrated between the nerve cords and the pseudocoelomic space or overlying muscle arms, i.e., along the dorsal face of the ventral nerve cord and the ventral face of the dorsal nerve cord. Although CLE-1 and NID-1 are found overlapping or closely apposed to UNC-17 along the nerve cords, no consistent association of NID-1 or CLE-1 with UNC-17 puncta was observed, and vice versa. UNC-17 is not present at all of the presynaptic zones in the nerve cords. Similar distributions of CLE-1 and NID-1 relative to a marker for GABAergic presynaptic zones, juIs1, was observed. NID-1 and CLE-1 are also detected in nonsynaptic regions of the nerve cords, but generally at significantly lower levels.
TypeAntibodyDouble-labeling experiments with antibodies against CLE-1 or NID-1 and a vesicular acetylcholine transporter, UNC-17, which is present in cholinergic presynaptic zones.