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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr1859

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Subcellular_localizationThe mitotic localization pattern of MIX-1 was identical to that of SMC-4 throughout the cell cycle. SMC-4 and MIX-1 were both absent from decondensed chromosomes and coincident on condensed chromosomes. During metaphase, MIX-1 and SMC-4 decorated the chromosomes in the same distinctive poleward pattern. Unlike MIX-1, however, SMC-4 did not localize to hermaphrodite X chromosomes. The wild-type larva contains two mitotic cells brightly stained by both MIX-1 and SMC-4, but only MIX-1 shows the punctate nuclear staining characteristic of dosage compensation proteins bound to X chromosomes. See Expr1858 for SMC-4 expression pattern.
TypeAntibodyTwo different MIX-1 antibodies showed the same immunoprecipitation and immunostaining results. Most experiments used the carboxy-terminal peptide antibody provided by R. Chan against a carboxy-terminal peptide of MIX-1.
RemarkNo detailed description on cellular expression patterns.