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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr1160

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Name Class

Expression_dataLife_stage (4)
Anatomy_term (2)
TypeAntibodyPolyclonal antisera against NOS-1 fusion protein expressed in E. coli.
PatternNOS-1 protein is expressed sequentially during embryogenesis. No NOS-1 protein was detected in pregastrulation embryos, even though nos-1 RNA is present in these stages. NOS-1 first appeared in Z2 and Z3 at the 550-cell stage and remained expressed in these cells until the end of embryogenesis.
RemarkThe specificity of antibody was confirmed by staining embryos deficient for NOS-1. Affinity-purified anti-NOS-1 antibody detected NOS-1 in nos-2(RNAi) embryos but not in nos-1(RNAi) and nos-1(gv5) embryos. NOS-1 and NOS-2 thus do not depend on each other for expression.
To test whether NOS-1 is expressed zygotically, authors crossed nos-1(gv5) hermaphrodites (which express no NOS-1) to wild-type males and stained their progeny for NOS-1 protein. Detected NOS-1 expression in a pattern identical to that observed in embryos derived from wild-type hermaphrodites, confirming that NOS-1 expression is zygotic.