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WormBase Tree Display for Construct: WBCnstr00042125

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Other_reporterHepatitis B virus X protein with Glutamate 126 mutated to Alanine
Construction_summaryThe HBx cDNA clone was kindly provided by Xiao-Kun Zhang (Burnham Institute for Medical Research, La Jolla, CA). To make PhspHBx constructs, full-length HBx cDNA was subcloned into C. elegans heat-shock vectors, pPD49.78 and pPD49.83, via NheI and KpnI sites... The HBx mutant constructs containing G124L, I127A, E125A, or E126A substitutions were generated using a QuikChange Site-Directed Mutagenesis kit (Stratagene) and confirmed by DNA sequencing.