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WormBase Tree Display for Construct: WBCnstr00001810

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Construction_summaryCAV-1 was expressed with an amino- or carboxy-terminal GFP tag in the C. elegans germline using the germ line-specific pie-1 promoter. Identical expression patterns were obtained by the two constructs. To create a carboxy-terminal GFP fusion with CAV-1, a genomic fragment containing the ORF in cav-1 was amplified by PCR with cav-1Gw+ and cav-1Bgl2R [5'-GGGGACAACTTTGTACAAGAAAGTTGTTAagatctGACGCATGGAGCAGTAGTTTC-3'] and cloned into the Entry vector pDONR221, resulting pDONR221cav-1BglII. A DNA fragment encoding GFP was amplified using pID3.01 as a template and inserted into a BglII site of pDONR221cav-1BglII. The ORF of CAV-1-GFP was then cloned into pID2.01. --precise ends.
Used_for (2)
Reference (7)