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WBPicture0000011210DescriptionFigure 3. Developmental Profile of fra-I RNA Expression(A) RNA blot analysis. 1 pg of poly(A)+ RNA from developmentally staged hermaphrodites was separated on a denaturing 1.2% agarose gel, transferred to Hybond N membrane, and probed with a cDNA fragment common to both &a-l RNAs, generated by PCR with the primers SLl and DZ7 (see Experimental Procedures). Lane 1, RNA from embryos; lanes 2-6, RNA from stages Ll through adult. The bottom panel is the same filter stripped and reprobed with an act-7 probe. (B) Plot of tra-7 RNA levels during development. Relative levels of the 1.5 kb RNA (circles) and 5 kb RNA (squares) were determined by densitometric scanning of the autoradiographs shown in (A). The actin RNA levels were assumed to be constant through development and were used to adjust the Pa-7 RNA levels of each stage.
AcknowledgmentTemplateReprinted from <Journal_URL>, <Article_URL>, Copyright <Publication_year>, with permission from <Publisher_URL>.