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WormBase Tree Display for Expr_pattern: Expr2967

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Expression_data (2)
TypeAntibodyA monoclonal antibody raised against mammalian GRK2/3 was used to confirm the putative Ce-GRK-2 cellular expression pattern. Although endogenous Ce-GRK-2 was below the level of detection using this antibody, Ce-GRK-2 was detected in transgenic animals overexpressing Ce-GRK-2 from the genomic rescue fragment.
PatternCe-grk-2::gfp reporter expression was observed in embryos as early as the 20 to 30 cell stage and persisted throughout development and into adulthood. The Ce-grk-2::gfp reporter was expressed in many neurons of adult animals, including the ASH neurons and other sensory neurons, many interneurons, and motor neurons of the ventral nerve cord. Expression was also observed in vulval muscles.
The GFP reporter and antisera expression patterns were nearly identical, but no immunoreactivity was observed in the vulval muscles.