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WormBase Tree Display for Transgene: WBTransgene00006461

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Summary[hsp::lin-45ED + sur-5::GFP]
[Phsp16.41::lin-45ED, sur-5::GFP]
Construction_summaryLIN-45 ED replaces activating phosphorylation sites Thr 626 and Thr 629 with glutamic acid and aspartic acid, respectively, to mimic constitutive phosphorylation. hsp1641-lin-45ED plasmid pCR33.1 was generated by cloning a PCR product amplified from plasmid lin-45ED (32) with primers CRo181 (5'-TTC ATG GCT AGC ACC ATG AGT CGG ATT AAT TTC AAA AAG TC-3') and CRo182 (5'-TTC ATG CCA TGG CTA AAT GAG ACC ATA GAC ATT G-3') into the NheI and NcoI sites of heat-shock vector pPD49.83. pCR33.1 was injected into N2 animals at 20 ng/l with pTG_96 (sur-5::gfp) (33) at 30 ng/l and pBluescript at 50 ng/l to yield transgenic strain csEx72.
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans