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WormBase Tree Display for Transgene: WBTransgene00006252

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Summary[unc-37FOS::yfp, elt-2::rfp]
Construction_summaryThe unc-37 reporter gene was created utilizing l-Red-mediated recombineering in bacteria as described (Tursun et al., 2009). Briefly, the unc-37-containing fosmid (WRM0612cG05) was electroporated into E. coli strain SW105 (Warming et al., 2005). Using FLP recombinase-removable galK-based cassettes, we inserted yfp immediately preceding the stop codon at the C-terminus of unc-37, resulting in a translational fusion. Recombineered fosmids were sequenced at their recombineered junctions and correct clones were maintained in E. coli strain EPI-300 T1R (Epicentre). Fosmids were digested with SbfI and injected at 10 ng/l, together with 2 ng/l ScaI-digested rol-6(d) (pRF4; 2 ng/l) or HindIII- digested elt-2::NLS-dsRed and PvuII-digested bacterial genomic DNA (150 ng/l) to generate a complex array. The DNA was injected into wild-type N2. The resulting array is called otEx4126 (unc-37FOS::yfp). otEx4126 subsequently spontaneously integrated to generate otIs288.
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans