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WormBase Tree Display for Transgene: WBTransgene00005065

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Summary[SCMp::GFP + unc-119(+)]
Synonym[SCM::gfp + unc-119(+)]
Construction (2)
Construction_summarySCM reporter remark: The identity of the "SCM" promoter sequence was a mystery for a long time. A 2011 PhD thesis from Charles Brabin of Alison Woollard's lab appears to have identified the sequence as a ~7.8kb region of chromosome IV spanning the genes arf-5 ("arf-3" in the thesis), mec-17, and col-115. The sequence responsible for driving the seam cell-specific expression appears to be the 3' end of the arf-5 gene. Information regarding the sequence can be found in Chapter 5 of the thesis with the region and sequence depicted in Figure 5.1 on page 124. The thesis can be found here: https:
Phenotype (3)
Marker_forSeam cell nuclei.Paper_evidenceWBPaper00030774
Associated_withStrain (12)
Reference (100)
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans