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WormBase Tree Display for Transgene: WBTransgene00000637

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Construction_summary[fem-1::lacZ] translational fusion. A BamHI site was introduced at position +3 of fem-1 by mutagenesis with oligonucleotides oAS140 (5ATGTCCATTTGGATCCATACCGCCA-3). A BglII-BamHI fragment extending 1.9 kb upstream from BamHI site of lacZ fusion vector pPD16.43, placing ATG codon in frame with lacZ coding sequence. A 5.9 kb EcoRV-SpeI fragment extending from position +202 in exon 2 of the fem-1 gene to position +6095, 1.43 kb 3 to the site of polyadenylation of fem-1 mRNA was ligate between StuI and SpeI sites downstream of lacZ stop codon. AS#1209 contains all sequences present in genomic DNA fragment capable of rescuing fem-1 mutant except for a 200-bp region extending from within exon1 and 2, that region is replaced by lacZ. --precise ends.
Genetic_information (2)
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans