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WormBase Tree Display for Sequence: Y57A10A

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Name Class

SMapS_child (13)
DB_info (5)
OriginFrom_authorSmye R
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans
RemarkTransposon Y57A10A.34 converted into an S_Child [020208 kj]
Properties (3)
Assembly_tagsClone left end16Y57A10
Finished Left16Y57A10A
Clone right end1595415959Y43F11
annotation2088921064First select a Feature -[ ] Unsure[x] Misc_featureThen select the text for the note(s) -[ ] Tandem repeat[x] Single clone region[ ] Forced join[ ] OtherAdd a comment here -Sequence from reads from a short insertlibrary derived from a single pUC clone.
6992070026First select a Feature -[ ] Unsure[x] Misc_featureThen select the text for the note(s) -[ ] Tandem repeat[x] Single clone region[ ] Forced join[ ] OtherAdd a comment here -Sequence from reads from a short insertlibrary derived from a single pUC clone.
7904279066First select a Feature -[ ] Unsure[x] Misc_featureThen select the text for the note(s) -[ ] Tandem repeat[x] Single clone region[ ] Forced join[ ] OtherAdd a comment here -Sequence from reads from a short insertlibrary derived from a single pUC clone.
8186181867First select a Feature -[ ] Unsure[x] Misc_featureThen select the text for the note(s) -[ ] Tandem repeat[x] Single clone region[ ] Forced join[ ] OtherAdd a comment here - Sequence from single terminator read forming part of loop of an inverted repeat. Assembly is confirmed by PCR ofYAC DNA.
First select a Feature -
[ ] Unsure
[x] Misc_feature
Then select the text for the note(s) -
[ ] Tandem repeat
[ ] Single clone region
[ ] Forced join
[x] Other
Add a comment here -
Unidirectional primer reads only.
First select a Feature -
[ ] Unsure
[x] Misc_feature
Then select the text for the note(s) -
[x] Tandem repeat
[ ] Single clone region
[ ] Forced join
[ ] Other
Add a comment here - One clone has 33 GA's and two have 37 GA's
First select a Feature -
[ ] Unsure
[x] Misc_feature
Then select the text for the note(s) -
[ ] Tandem repeat
[x] Single clone region
[ ] Forced join
[ ] Other
Add a comment here - Arm of inverted repeat. Bridge confirms assembly.
First select a Feature -
[ ] Unsure
[x] Misc_feature
Then select the text for the note(s) -
[ ] Tandem repeat
[ ] Single clone region
[ ] Forced join
[x] Other
Add a comment here -
Uni-directional primer reads only.
3493735909First select a Feature -[ ] Unsure[x] Misc_featureThen select the text for the note(s) -[x] Tandem repeat[ ] Single clone region[ ] Forced join[ ] OtherAdd a comment here - Tandem repeat of unknown size. Each element 30 bases long, typical sequence:TACCATAACCAAACTACAGTAGTACTGTAG
First select a Feature -
[ ] Unsure
[x] Misc_feature
Then select the text for the note(s) -
[ ] Tandem repeat
[x] Single clone region
[ ] Forced join
[ ] Other
Add a comment here - 
pUC clone bridges, so confirms assembly.
8874988832First select a Feature -[ ] Unsure[x] Misc_featureThen select the text for the note(s) -[ ] Tandem repeat[x] Single clone region[ ] Forced join[ ] OtherAdd a comment here - Sequence from a single terminator read.Region is not bridged by other pUC clones.
First select a Feature -
[x] Unsure
[ ] Misc_feature
Then select the text for the note(s) -
[ ] Tandem repeat
[ ] Single clone region
[ ] Forced join
[x] Other
Add a comment here -
In inverted repeat region.
First select a Feature -
[x] Unsure
[ ] Misc_feature
Then select the text for the note(s) -
[ ] Tandem repeat
[ ] Single clone region
[ ] Forced join
[x] Other
Add a comment here -
In inverted repeat region.
First select a Feature -
[x] Unsure
[ ] Misc_feature
Then select the text for the note(s) -
[ ] Tandem repeat
[ ] Single clone region
[ ] Forced join
[x] Other
Add a comment here -
In inverted repeat region.
Finished Right165336165339Y57A10A