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WormBase Tree Display for RNAi: WBRNAi00108393

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ExperimentTreatmentL3 larval worms were placed on RNAi-expressing or mock-vector control bacteria. Worms were incubated for 2 days at 20C until they became gravid adults. The gravid adults were transferred to fresh RNAi-expressing bacteria lawns and allowed to lay eggs for 2 hours and removed and eggs were allowed to grow for subsequent assays. Aggregates of Q35-YFP were counted at 7 days after the treatment was started.
Inhibits (3)
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans
PhenotypeWBPhenotype:0001405RemarkDecreased Q35 aggregate formation
Remark(Figure 6) cha-1 RNAi. Authors state RNAi clones obtained from the Ahringer and Vidal laboratories, Ahringer clone used for curation. If Ahringer clone not available, Vidal laboratory clone used for curation.