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WormBase Tree Display for RNAi: WBRNAi00103455

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Date13 Jul 2012 00:00:00
Genotypedaf-2(e1370); aak-1(tm1944); aak-2(ok524)
TreatmentIn brief, L3-L4 stage hermaphrodites were transferred onto regular plates seeded with individual double-stranded RNA-expressing bacterial clones. The animals were transferred to a new set of seeded plates after 1 day of incubation at 15 degrees Celsius, and phenotypes were scored for the F2 generation. C. elegans were synchronized overnight at 15 degrees Celsius before plated at 25 degrees Celsius for dauer formation. Two days later, approximately 100 dauer larvae were randomly collected into a 35x10 mm petri dish filled with double-distilled water and sealed with parafilm as described elsewhere (Narbonne and Roy, 2006). Dauer survival was monitored every day, and survival was scored according to their appearance and their ability to respond to a gentle tap of the plate.
SpeciesCaenorhabditis elegans
PhenotypeWBPhenotype:0002277RemarkRNAi was able to extend the lifespan of aak(0) mutant dauer larvae
Remark(Table S1) Exact sequence used for RNAi not stated by authors, Ahringer laboratory clone used for curation. If Ahringer clone not available, Vidal laboratory clone used for curation.