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WormBase Tree Display for Picture: WBPicture0001150004

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WBPicture0001150004DescriptionAverage gene expression over time. Time is defined by the following landmark events during embryogenesis: 0 is when the cell ABa starts to exist; 10 at the beginning of gastrulation; 43 during the ventral enclosure; 54 at the 2-fold tail stage. Time is extrapolated linearly after this last event. Right panel: Average gene expression over time as well as the anterior-posterior axis, defined as from one tip of the embryo to the other. The signal is radially integrated along the AP-axis. Sudden jumps over time may be due to imperfect stitching at the times when exposure time changes (dynamically adjusted to minimize phototoxicity). Toward the later time points the embryo begins to move which causes the peaks to move along the AP-axis.
AcknowledgmentPerson_nameJohan Henriksson