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WormBase Tree Display for Picture: WBPicture0000014020

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WBPicture0000014020DescriptionFigure 3. nsy-4 Is Expressed in AWC Neurons and Epithelial Cells(A) Confocal projection of L1 animal expressing nsy-4::GFP (GFP driven by 7.7 kb of sequence upstream of nsy-4). White arrow indicates excretory cell. Yellow arrowheads indicate epidermal cells. (B) Colocalization of nsy-4::GFP and odr-3::lin-10::dsRedII in late L1/early L2 animal. The odr-3 promoter drives expression primarily in AWC. LIN-10 accumulates in perinuclear intracellular compartments and in axon puncta. (C) Schematic of (B), indicating colocalization of diffuse GFP and punctate LIN-10::dsRed in AWC. (D) Expression of odr-3::nsy-4::GFP in a rescued nsy-4(ky616) L4 animal. Note nuclear exclusion of GFP in AWC cell body and expression in dendrite, cilium, and axon. (E and F) str2::GFP in wild-type animals overexpressing nsy-4 from the odr-3::nsy-4 transgene (E) wild-type 1-AWCON phenotype (F) 2-AWCON phenotype. Scale bars, 25 um.
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