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WBPicture0000013653DescriptionFigure 1. Developmental Tunicamycin Resistance Screen Identifies gfat-1 gof Mutations (A) Representative images of WT controls and tunicamycin (TM)-resistant C. elegans mutants after developmental screen for resistance to 10 mg/ml TM. (B) Representative images of dhEx941(Pgfat-1:: gfat-1::cfp) transgenic animal showing the GFAT-1 expression pattern in the head area of L4 animals. DIC, differential interference contrast. (C) Multiple sequence alignment of gfat-1 protein sequences surrounding the amino acid sub- stitutions of alleles dh468, dh784, and dh785. (D) The hexosamine pathway. (E) Developmental TM resistance assay using transgenic animals expressing cfp or gfat-1::cfp fusion under gfat-1 regulatory elements (n = 3). Results are presented as means &plusmn; SEM. ***p < 0.001. (F) Representative LC/MS scans of adult C. elegans extracts. (G) Quantitative LC/MS analysis of pooled L1/L2 larvae and adult animals for UDP-HexNAc levels in dh468, dh784, and dh785 alleles of gfat-1 (n = 8). Results are presented as means &plusmn; SEM. *p < 0.05 and ***p < 0.001 versus WT. (H) Representative images of developmental TM resistance assay on control or 10 mg/ml TM plates with UV-killed OP50 bacteria, supplemented with 10 mM of indicated compounds. (I) Quantification of the developmental TM resistance assay in (F). L4 or adult animals were counted 5 days after egg transfer to TM plates and displayed as a fraction of the number of eggs used (n = 6). **p < 0.01 and ***p < 0.001 versus D-Arg. Results are presented as means &plusmn; SEM.
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