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WBPicture0000013385DescriptionFigure 5. cam-1 regulates RMED/V neurite A/P guidance. (A) RME neuron fluorescence images of animals with different genetic backgrounds. The cam-1 partial loss-of-function mutant xd13 shows a variable phenotype and the null mutant gm122 has a cwn-2 like phenotype. (B) Molecular lesions in the cam-1 mutants xd22, gm122, gm105, ks52 and xd13. The color-coded domain structure of cam-1 is shown. Ig, immunoglobulin domain; CRD, cysteine rich domain; Kr, kringle domain; TM, transmembrane domain; Kinase, kinase domain; S/T, serine and theronine-rich domain. Three cam- 1 isoforms are indicated. (C) Quantification of the rescuing activity of cam-1 transgenes. (D) Quantification of the RMEV neurite A/P outgrowth defect in different mutants. cam-1 functions synergistically with cfz-2 and mig-1. The average relative neurite length in wild type is set as 100. Error bars represent SEM. (E) cam-1 is expressed in RME neurons (arrow).
AcknowledgmentTemplateReprinted from <Journal_URL>, <Article_URL>. <Publisher_URL> <Publication_year>.