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WBPicture0000013280DescriptionFigure 4. cima-1 Is Expressed and Required in Epidermal Cells for Maintenance of the AIY Presynaptic Pattern (A) A larval animal displaying the endogenous cima-1 expression pattern as determined by rescuing construct CIMA-1(genomic)::SL2::GFP. The dashed box corresponds to the region where AIY is located (AIY not shown; this region is also similar to the region examined in [B] and [C]). Arrows point at CIMA-1-expressing epidermal cells. (B-D) Simultaneous visualization of cima-1(genomic)::SL2::GFP (green) and body wall muscle reporter Pmyo-3::mcherry (red). Note the nonoverlapping expressing pattern of cima-1 in epidermal cells and Pmyo-3::mcherry in muscles, both in the sagittal cross-section (B) and in the transverse cross-section (C). Dashed line in (B) indicates site of transverse cross-section image in (C). And (D) is the schematic drawing of (C), with muscle quadrants (M), epidermal cells (green) and pharynx (P) labeled. (E) Quantification of tissue-specific rescue. Expression of cima-1 cDNA in AIY (ttx-3 promoter) or pan-neuronally (rab-3 promoter) does not rescue the AIY presynaptic defect in cima-1(wy84) mutant animals. However, expression of cima-1 cDNA in epidermal cells (dpy-4 promoter) robustly rescues the AIY presynaptic defect (see also rescue with epidermal promoters rol-6, dpy-7 and col-19 in Figure S3I). nR50 for each group. Error bars are SEM, n.s.: not significant, ***p < 0.001 by t test. Scale bars, 10 um.
AcknowledgmentTemplateReprinted from <Journal_URL>, <Article_URL>, Copyright <Publication_year>, with permission from <Publisher_URL>.