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WormBase Tree Display for Picture: WBPicture0000012768

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WBPicture0000012768DescriptionFigure 5. Expression of GFP directed by the presumed vha-19 promoter in transgenic vha-19p::GFP C. elegans. A) High magnification of the vulva region of adult vha-19p::GFP C. elegans [WT029] showing that vha-19 is expressed in vulval hypodermis (vh) and the intestine (int) but apparently not in early embryos (emb). The image is an overlay of a bright field and fluorescence image. B) An adult vha-19p::GFP C. elegans showing that vha-19 is expressed in the pharynx (ph), hypodermis (hyp), intestine (int), vulval hypodermis (vh) and excretory cell, consisting of the excretory cell body (exc) and the long, thin parallel canals either side of the cell body (indicated by small arrow heads). C) Fluorescence image of a vha-19p::GFP larva showing that vha-19 is expressed in the hypodermis (hyp) and intestine (int) but is apparently absent from the developing gonad (dg). vha-19 is also expressed in the excretory cell body (exc) and canals (thin arrowheads) of vha-19p::GFP larvae. The orientation of the larva is such that only one excretory canal is visible. Scale bar in A represents 50 um and 100 um in B and C.
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